Marjan Park Forest and Hill is the green oasis of Split City.
In this blog, we will go in-depth regarding the cultural heritage of Marjan, often called the "lungs of the Split city".
Cultural Institutions on Marjan
Thanks to its great cultural significance to the city of Split and its people, Marjan abounds in cultural institutions and sites. Here are our highlights.
1. Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
The Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries is located on the Marjan Cape, the most western part of Split.
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries,photo credit:Javna ustanova za upravljanje Park-šumom Marjan
It was founded in Split in 1930 as the first national scientific research institution dealing with marine research. They conduct research in biological, chemical, and physical oceanography, sedimentology, fisheries biology, and mariculture.
2. The Mediterranean Institute for Life Research (MEDILS)
Professors Miroslav Radman and Marija Alacevic founded the Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences (MEDILS) in 2003.
The Mediterranean Institute for Life Research (MEDILS) source:Marjan Park Šuma
It is an international, independently funded, non-profit research institute in aging and age-related diseases.
3. Villa Dalmatia
Villa Dalmatia is one of the most popular destinations for weddings and celebrations in Split.
Villa Dalmatia by the sea photo credit:Marjan Park Šuma
This splendid location by the sea has a private beach and offers complete privacy. It can be rented for various celebrations.
4. The Meštrović Gallery
The famous Meštrović Gallery is on the southern side of Marjan, by the sea. It is the former villa of Ivan Meštrović (1883 – 1962), one of the greatest sculptors of Croatia of all times.
Meštrović Gallery entrancephoto credit: Lidija Lolić Photography
The gallery is dedicated to promoting the works of the artist Meštrović. It abounds in one part of artists' masterpieces.
Interior of the Meštrović Gallery, photo credit: Lidija Lolić Photography
You can rent the garden or the museum for your special day. The view is simply amazing.
Exterior of the Meštrović Gallery, photo credit: Lidija Lolić Photography
Nearby Meštrović's Crikvine-Kaštilac is the museum’s second location. It's set on Meje by the sea, above Obojena beach.
Meštrović’s Crikvine (Kaštilac) photo credit:Marjan Park Šuma
The famous Croatian sculptor Meštrović exhibited a cycle of reliefs with scenes from the life of Jesus of Nazareth in the chapel of St. Cross.
5. Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments
The Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments in Split is in Meje, on Ivan Meštrović Walkway. It has a rich collection of the Croats from the Middle Ages, from the 7th to the 15thcentury.
Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments in Split (HAS), photo credit: Marjan Park Šuma
The “First Museum of Croatian Monuments” was founded in Knin in 1893. Later it was moved to Sinj, Knin, and finally to Split, where it is now.
6. Botanical Garden
The botanical garden is located on the southern slopes of Marjan Hill, on Cattanijin Put. It was founded in 1951.
Botanical gardenphoto credit: Marjan Park Šuma
This educational institution promotes the cultivation and care of horticulture. It stretches 2 hectares and has many tropical and subtropical plants.
7. Marjan ZOO
Marjan ZOO belongs to the Natural History Museum. It is a small ZOO of only 0.65 hectares.
ZOO Split, source: VIP Holiday Booker
In the past, there were many attractive species. For example, a tiger, a bear, monkeys, an elephant, an alligator that lived for 68 years, and various snakes.
Nowadays, you can see only domestic animals: donkeys, rabbits, turtles, chickens, turkeys, horses, cows, sheep, and goats.
8. The Meteorological Observatory Building
The Meteorological Observatory building is located next to the ZOO. It was designed by the architect Josip Kodl.
Meteorological Observatory building photo credit:Marjan Park Šuma
Between the two World Wars, in the 1920s, it was an example of industrial architecture.
Churches on Marjan Hill
There are many churches and religious monuments on Marjan, some over 1,000 years old!
1. Remains of the Church of St. Benedikt (Sv. Benedikt)
This archaeological site is in the Bene area, the northern part of Marjan.
Remains of the church of St. Benedikt on Benephoto credit: Marjan Park Šuma
The ruins of a tiny church represent a precious archaeological heritage from the 14th century.
2. Church of St. George (Sv. Jure)
Church of St. George is a small church on the Marjan Cape, the westernmost point of the Marjan peninsula.
Church of St. George source: VIP Holiday Booker
This pre-Romanesque church, a single-nave building with a semicircular apse, was built in the 8th or 9th century. A fragment of a pluteus of the altar screen was preserved and dates back to the 9th or 10th century.
The stairs next to the church take you to small lovely beaches. You'll get more privacy than anywhere in Split City. Enjoy the silence!
3. Cave and Church of St. Jerome (Sv. Jere)
St. Jerome’s Church and the Cave are located beneath the Marjan reefs on the southern side of Marjan.
The cave above the Church of St. Jeromesource: VIP Holiday Booker
The peculiarity is that Saint Jerome is the patron of Dalmatia and translators. He lived in Marjan Cave and wrote his works here.
Church of St. Jeromesource: VIP Holiday Booker
A small church was built in the 15th century. A stone altar was made in 1840 by Andrija Aleši.
Above the altar are depictions of St. Jerome in a cave with St. John the Baptist and St. Anthony the Abbott.
The same road will also take you to Šantine Stine or the Third Peak of Marjan, where sports enthusiasts climb large rocks recreationally.
4. Karepić Hermitage
Karepić Hermitage is located near the Church of St. Jerome, in a similar vertical gap of the same rock.
You can enter it only by a rope ladder. Its defensive character was to protect it from possible Turks and pirate attacks.
All doors and windows are simple, without any decorative stylistic elements.
Karepić Hermitagephoto credit:Lidija Lolić Photography
Apart from the picturesqueness of this tower, the coat of arms with inscriptions above the entrance door is also attractive.
It says:
The inscription means:
Harmony makes wishes come true, Disharmony makes deceptions.
5. Church of Our Lady of Bethlehem (Gospe of Betlema)
Church of Our Lady of Bethlehem is located on the southern side of Marjan, on Marangunicevo Walkway, the longest promenade on Marjan. It was built before 1500.
Church of Our Lady of Bethlehem photo credit: Lidija Lolić Photography
The church is a simple single-nave building with a vaulted roof and the profile of a broken Gothic arch. It was abandoned after World War One and used as a barn. Marjan Association reconstructed it in 1927.
In the Church of Our Lady of Bethlehem, the Christmas Eve Midnight Mass is always held during the afternoon, the earliest of all Split churches.
6. Church of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows (Gospe Sedam Žalosti)
A small Church of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows is located on the southern side of Marjan, above Šetalište Ivana Meštrovića Walkway and Kašjuni Cove. It is hidden under the pine trees.
Church of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows photo credit:Lidija Lolić Photography
The church was first mentioned in 1362. It aims to provide comfort and give hope to unfortunate and suffering ones.
The interior of the Church of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows, source: VIP Holiday Booker
The Imagine Pietatis Beatae Virginis relief inside the church is believed to have been made by Juraj Dalmatinac.
All churches on Marjan have the entrance facing the west except this one.
Church of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows - prayers and thanks, photo credit: Lidija Lolić Photography
People's prayers and thanks are written all over the church.
The steps above the church on the northern side, source: VIP Holiday Booker
The steps above the church on the northern side take you to the Marangunićevo Šetalište Walkway. Or, following Šetalište Ivana Meštrovića Walkway shows you the way to Kašjuni Cove.
7. Church of St. Nicholas the Traveler (Sv. Nikole na Gori)
The Church of St. Nicholas the Traveler is located on the southern side of Marjan Hill, above the main Viewpoint, on a plateau below the first Marjan Peak. It was built in the 13 century.
In the 20th century, Marjan Company took over the care of the church of St. Nicholas. They restored it in 1919, 1950/1951, and then again in 1990.
Church of St. Nicholasphoto credit: Lidija Lolić Photography
The church's location provides an excellent view of the sea and the islands. St. Nicholas is a patron saint of children, sailors, merchants, travelers, fishermen, and engaged couples.
On the feast of St. Nicholas celebrated on the 6thof December, a traditional mass is organized in the oldest Marjan church.
Stone dedication near the Church of St. Nicholas, source: VIP Holiday Booker
8. Monastery of St. Stephen Under the Pines (Sv. Stjepana Pod Borovima)
The church is in the old cemetery Sustipan, a picturesque verdant area by the sea. It's at the end of the Forest Park Marjan,
Church on Sustipan ('Saint Stipan'), photo credit: Lidija Lolić Photography
The Church on Sustipan has an attractive yard, especially famous among couples for their wedding day.
Sustipan from the air, photo credit:Lidija Lolić Photography
Here you can enjoy a sunny day and rest on one of the benches at the seaside park.
Stone Houses and Stone Inscriptions on Marjan
Marjan abounds in stone inscriptions and small stone houses. Here are just a few.
Memorial plaque dedicated to Marjan, photo credit: Lidija Lolić Photography
The first on our list is a memorial plaque on Marangunić’s Promenade. Poet Jakša Fiamengo dedicated it to Marjan when the Marjan Association turned 100.
„Oh Marjan, lonely mountain!“ of poet Luka Botić,see location here
You can also find many inscriptions by poets Luka Botić and Jerolim Kavanjin.
Verses of a poet Jerolim Kavanjin, photo credit:Lidija Lolić photography
Ivo Ćipiko Cypress A.D.1930 source: VIP Holiday Booker
In 2020, the Marjan Association started renovating 7 tiny houses on Marjan to preserve them for the next generations.
A small house in Lubinski Porat source: VIP Holiday Booker
A small stone house on Marjanski Walkway source: VIP Holiday Booker
Baba Marta’s House (Marta Katunarić- Šore) photo credit:Marjan Park Šuma
History of the Marjan Association
Marjan Association was founded on May 9, 1903, with Juraj Kolombatović as the first president. They aimed for the afforestation and landscaping of Marjan.
In honor of this, the Day of Marjan is celebrated each year in May, on the first Sunday after the Day of the city of Split and St. Dominus, which is May 7.
The water fountain was brought to First Peak in 1953 by the Marjan Associationsource: VIP Holiday Booker
During the 20th century, they contributed tremendously to the development of Marjan. They built roads, erected monuments, and helped preserve flora and fauna. The first road they built was from Veli Varoš to the first peak of Marjan.
Monument to Umberto Giromettaphoto credit:Društvo Marjan
In 2022, at the initiative and request of the Marjan Association, the Public Institution for the Management of the Marjan Forest Park restored the monument to Umberto Girometta.
Marjan Panorama, photo credit: Javna ustanova za upravljanje Park-šumom Marjan
We have another blog about Marjan called Marjan: Green Oasis of Split City. Read it to learn about paths, trails, and amenities on Marjan.
If you're visiting the city of Split, we invite you to check out our luxury villas in the Split area for vacation.