Dubrovnik Croatia Attractions

Top 7 Attractions in Dubrovnik, Croatia

Perhaps the best description of Dubrovnik was by George Bernard Shaw upon his visit to Dubrovnik in 1929. He was so enchanted by the city that he said: "Those who seek paradise on Earth should come to Dubrovnik."

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Dubrovnik, Croatia is a treasure trove of attractions, full of historical sites, timeless architecture, and interesting cultural heritage.

In the last decade, Dubrovnik has become a must-see place. Tourists from all over the world flock to Dubrovnik without knowing how it all came about.

This blog will bring you closer to the top attractions in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

1. Stradun Street

Stradun is the lifeline of Old Town Dubrovnik. Almost every significant attraction in Dubrovnik is located on Stradun.

From everyday life to commemorating public festivals or administrating punishment, Stradun has always been an unavoidable part of Dubrovnik.

Even today, almost 1000 years later, it's still the heart of social life in Dubrovnik.

Stradun DubrovnikStradun from Pixabay.com

The origin of Dubrovnik and its main street, Stradun, dates back to the 7thcentury AD. When barbarian tribes, mostly Slavs, destroyed the town of Epidaurus, its citizens of Roman descent took refuge on a small islet.

Opposite to the refugees Slavs founded their settlement. During centuries, the two settlements developed closer ties. In the 11thcentury the narrow sea canal that divided them was filled, creating a street that citizens of Dubrovnik called Placa.

Venetians named it "Stradun" which means “big street”. It was a mocking name for the Dubrovnik main street.

Stretching from east to west, Stradun connected the only two entrances into town. Two tower gates guarded the entrances, Pile Gate on the west and Ploca Gate on the east.

Some of Dubrovnik's most famous sightseeing locations can be found between two entrances to the town.

Dubrovnik also has a third gate into town called Buza Gate. It was opened in 1907 when Austro-Hungarian ruled over Dubrovnik.

2. Onofrio's Fountains

Great Onofrio`s Fountain from Pixabay.com

Great Onofrio`s Fountain from Pixabay.com

The Great Onofrio's Fountain is polygonal, with 16 masquerades pouring water. The fountain is the first thing guests can see when entering Stradun and Old Town from the west. For centuries it was one of the several places where Dubrovnik citizens could get water for their everyday needs.

Located next to the Pile Gate, Neapolitan builder Onofrio della Cava created the fountain in 1438., after whom it was named.

Onofrio`s Fountains are part of the Dubrovnik aqueduct that brings water from 12 kilometers away from the source. A similar aqueduct operation was not known in Europe until then. It got its present appearance in an earthquake after the great earthquake of 1667. It was in use until the end of the 19th century.

Small Onofrio`s fountain in Dubrovnik from commons.wikimedia.org, author: Jerrye and Roy Klotz MD

Small Onofrio`s fountain in Dubrovnik from commons.wikimedia.org, author: Jerrye and Roy Klotz MD

Small Onofrio`s Fountain is located at the eastern end of Stradun. The fountain supplied water to the market on Luza Square in Dubrovnik. Onofrio della Cava also designed this fountain the same year as Bigger Onofrio`s Fountain.

In the Middle Ages, smaller fountains had a religious meaning. Only Christians used it.

In the immediate vicinity was a Jewish fountain which Jews of Dubrovnik used for water supply. The area next to the Little Onofrio's Fountain is used as the stage area of the Dubrovnik Summer Festival for some plays.

3. Franciscan Monastery

Further down the Stradun, you will see The Franciscan Monastery. It is a large complex belonging to the Order of the Friars Minor.

Franciscan Monastery Dubrovnik

Franciscan Monastery in Dubrovnik from commons.wikimedia.org, author Bernard Gagnon

Construction of the monastery started in the 13thcentury. It's a beautiful piece of medieval architecture from which, sadly, the only preserved piece is the Pieta sculptured in 1498.

Pieta, Franciscan Monastery in Dubrovnik from commons.wikimedia.org, author: Richard Mortel

Pieta, Franciscan Monastery in Dubrovnik from commons.wikimedia.org, author: Richard Mortel

The rest of the monastery was heavily damaged in the big earthquake in 1667. Also, over 7500 rare book editions were destroyed in the earthquake and fire that started after.

Thanks to the enormous effort of Franciscan monks, most of the lost books were restored. Today monastery holds over 70,000 books which contain 206 incunabula (books written before the invention of the printing press).

Franciscan Monastery pharmacy from commons.wikimedia.org, author: Bernard Gagnon

Franciscan Monastery pharmacy from commons.wikimedia.org, author: Bernard Gagnon

Inside the monastery, there is a pharmacy that dates back to 1317. It is the oldest pharmacy in Europe that's still functioning.

You can buy fragrant creams and rose waters made according to recipes over 200 years old. These authentic souvenirs delight both foreigners and locals alike.

The most popular attraction in Dubrovnik, especially for younger visitors, is the ledge on the monastery wall, the so-called “Drunk Stone”.

It’s actually a masquerade, a grotesque mask that looks like an owl. According to legend, a young man who could not find love vowed to try to "beat" the stone until he succeeded. One day he finally succeeded and soon fell in love.

4. Orlando Column

Dubrovnik`s oldest surviving monument is situated on the east end of Stradun. It is one of the most prominent attractions of Dubrovnik and a top sightseeing location.

According to the legend, the statue of knight Orlando depicts the hero Roland, the warlord who served under Charlemagne, king of the Franks. He helped Dubrovnik in battle with Saracens in the 8thcentury AD.

Statue of Orlando from commons.wikimedia.org, author: Bizutage

Statue of Orlando from commons.wikimedia.org, author: Bizutage

The true origin of the statue is probably connected with the visit of Sigismund of Luxembourg, Holy Roman emperor and a king of Hungary and Croatia, after the battle at Nicopolis in 1396.

These monuments were very popular in German cities during the 14thcentury. The knight with the sword statue symbolizes the town authorities's independence, stability, and justice.

A stone pillar with the figure of Orlando holding a raised sword was erected in 1418. This Gothic attraction on Dubrovnik's main square is the only one that still exists outside Germany. Its sculptor is Bonino da Milano.

The Dubrovnik elbow, the measure of length, matched the length of the knight's forearm, which is 51.2 cm. On the pole above the statue, the flag flattered stating the independence of the Republic of Dubrovnik.

Today, raising the Libertas flag onto the pole announces the beginning of the Dubrovnik Summer Festival. For Dubrovnik, it is still a strong symbol of independence and freedom.

5. Sponza (Divona) Palace

Sponza or Divona Palace is a Gothic-Renaissance palace in Dubrovnik. The name "Sponza" originates from the Latin word “spongia” meaning “place where water is collected”.

It is one of the most beautiful and luxurious palaces in Dubrovnik City. It was built between 1516 and 1522. With its splendor and beauty, this attraction testifies to the wealth and culture of the people of Dubrovnik at the time.

Sponza's palace,from commons.wikimedia.org, author: Hedwig Storch

Sponza's palace,from commons.wikimedia.org, author: Hedwig Storch

Over the centuries Sponza Palce had served a variety of public functions. It was a customs office, mint, armory, treasury, bank, and even school. The palace's atrium was as a trading center and business meeting place. An inscription on an arch testifies to this public function:

"Our weights do not permit cheating. When I measure goods, God measures with me."

At the end of the 16th century, it became the cultural center of the Republic of Dubrovnik.

It survived the 1667 earthquake without any damage. Today it houses an archive with materials on the history of the Republic of Dubrovnik.

6. Church of St. Blaise

St. Blaise is the patron saint of the Republic of Dubrovnik.

He was a Bishop of Sebaste, modern-day Turkey. There, in 316, he died a martyr's death in the persecutions of the Roman emperor Licinius, becoming one of the innumerable heroes of the first centuries of Christianity.

Church of St. Blaise from commons.wikimedia.org, author: Martin Falbisoner

Church of St. Blaise from commons.wikimedia.org, author: Martin Falbisoner

According to the legend, Venetians sought to destroy the city because they were jealous of Dubrovnik's success and wealth. In 972, they anchored outside the city port with an excuse that they needed provisions before going further toward the Levant. St. Blaise appeared to the parish priest Stojko while he was praying to reveal the true Venetianintent.

In the name of St. Blaise laws were passed, coins with the image of a saint were minted, ships sailed under his flag, envoys were sent to foreign lands, and his statues watched over the walls of every traveler and newcomer.

The importance of St. Blaise to the people of the Republic of Dubrovnik can be best seen on a stone inscription on the eastern entrance to town:

“Stay away you barbarians! No one is afraid in this fortress, which is warmed by the breath of the holy old man.”

Grand Council built the church to its patron, St. Blaise, on Platea Communis in front of the City Hall on February 26, 1348.

This Romanesque church survived the earthquake in 1667. However, it burned down in a fire in 1706.

Immediately after the fire, Dubrovnik started to build the new baroque church of St. Blaise according to the design of the Venetian builder Marin Gropelli. The Statue of St. Blaise survived both the earthquake and fire. It still stands in the church holding a model of Dubrovnik in his hand.

The church has a richly decorated facade with a portal. Wide stairs are in front of it. A dome surmounts the central space of the church. On the main marble altar is a statue of St. Blaise of gilded silver, the work of Dubrovnik masters from the 15th century.

Church of St . Blaise, from commons.wikimedia.org, author: Hans-Jörg Gemeinholzer

Church of St . Blaise, from commons.wikimedia.org, author: Hans-Jörg Gemeinholzer

In the summertime, the stairs in front of the church often become an open-air stage where artists perform. It is still one of the most popular places for locals to socialize.

Dubrovnik celebrates the feast of St. Blaise on February 3rd with big precessions on Stradun.

7. Dubrovnik Bell Tower

At the east end of Stradun, the city bell tower is placed.

Dubrovnik clock tower from Pixabay.com

Dubrovnik clock tower from Pixabay.com

The original bell tower with a clock was built in 1444. Mihajlo from Florence cast the first bell. master Ivan Rabljanin in 1506 cast today's large bell, weighing two tons, with a height and diameter of 130 cm.

It was replaced several times throughout history. This is the third one.

The bell tower was destroyed several times in the Homeland War (1990 – 1995). Once a grenade pierced it on both sides so Stradun could be seen through it from a distance.

Maro and Baro, from commons.wikimedia.org, author: MatrixCM

Maro and Baro, from commons.wikimedia.org, author: MatrixCM

The tower clock was renovated several times during its long life, the first time in 1478. In the same year, wooden figures were replaced with copper ones called Maro and Baro, better known as Zelenci (Greenies). Looking like heroes from ancient Greece, these two figures symbolically defend the Republic and Dubrovnik.

The clock in the Bell Tower was replaced once more in 1780. In 1929 during renovation, it was replaced with a modern one. After the earthquake in 1979, the area under the bell tower, which is today called Luza Center, was renovated. Now it houses a cinema, a theater, and an exhibition and sales area.

Luxury Vacation in Dubrovnik

We hope these exciting facts about the attractions of Dubrovnik, Croatia, encourage you to visit this beautiful city. We can offer you a variety of villas in Dubrovnik and its surroundings.

If you want to learn more about the city, we encourage you to check our blog "Top 5 Things To Do in Dubrovnik" as well as Best Dubrovnik Fine Dining Restaurants and Most Memorable Dubrovnik Beaches.

Enjoy a safe and unforgettable holiday exploring the attractions of Dubrovnik, Croatia!

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